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Dreaming of starting a business in denmark but not sure how to Start Register Plan Launch Market ?

Whether you are just starting or have a professional business for a while, “The Nordic Way to Startup” is the ebook with everything you need to know to get started!

Visual idenity & positioning//

Danish law & taxes//

branding strategy//

cultural rules//

"The Nordic Way to Startup" is
your business support and ally!

We laid the step-by-step to open a business in Denmark, from legal advice to best branding practices.


with our ebook you'll learn how to:

Launch your business with ease

Get the step-by-step and all the important information.

Level-up your brand strategy

Learn how to stand-out from your competitors and attract new clients.

Get to know Denmark's RULES

Inform yourself with the ins and outs of the Danish market.

"The Nordic Way to Startup"
can get you to your goals!

From handling finances, to managing marketing materials and all the legal steps, there is a lot to starting a business in Denmark. Our ebook will guide you with:

Equip your business for success!

We have a simple idea—to educate and empower business owners with practical information. Our goal is to create valuable resources that will make your business grow. To do that, we combined years of experience in Design, Branding, Danish Law , and Taxes in a series of digital products and service packages.

Madalina Henter
//Legal expert

Madalina has over a decade of experience in working with expats as well as a Master’s Degree in Law/Cand. Jur from Copenhagen University. Her expertise lies not only in legal matters but also in the administrative and relocation fields. She has started Expat Solutions in 2019 in order to provide internationals in Denmark with quality legal services.

Juliana Marcelino
//Design Expert

Juliana embarked on her entrepreneurial journey after transitioning from her role as a Communications Specialist to an in-house Graphic Designer. With over five years of corporate experience and content creation, she started JMS Design in 2021, assisting companies in developing professional marketing & sales materials with streamlined design solutions.

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